
A breathtaking area around the North Cape

It starts right in front of your stay in Skarsvag, in the harbour of Rigsfjord, where you already can catch your fisth fish, usually COD fish and flat fish.

Sail a little further into the open ocean, and after around 20 minutes you reach the great fishing spots of the area. Surrounded by fjords, the waters easily reach depths upto 300 meters.

The sandy bottom of Rigsfjord is crossed by gullies, resulting into interesting current edges. As Skarsvag lies so uncovered, very rare fishing circumstances and a rare fish population await here.

The season starts from May and lasts for June, July, August and September. The season starts mainly with COD fish that moves towards the coast in huge amounts, upto heavy weights. Throughout the summer the COD, halibut, sea wolf, haddock, pollock, tusk, redfish, plaice and sea devil, are caught – sometimes of impressive seizes. A bonus fish here is the spotted loach, very common to catch. The season ends in September which a very good chance of halibut and pollock.

The fishing itself is not difficult at all. Thanks to the material-friendly subsoil, comfortable depths and short journeys to top fishing areas. It is impossible to tell about all the hotspots of this area. If you have only one look at the nautical chart you see the potential swimming around here. To make it easy for you, Jonathan is happy to tell you all about the best places, every day again. It is possible to book a tour where he joins you on your journey.

To benefit to the fullest from the fish diversity of this extraordinary region, we suggest you to spend some time and take some equipment for fishing in the lake mountains and rivers for arctic salmon and sea trout.

Long story short; in the worlds most nordic fishing village next to the North Cape there is a lot to offer; also way more than fishing alone, as it is a gorgeous area for hiking, safaris, local delicacies like king crab or shrimps, and of course; the midnight sun.

Alles in allem finden Sie im nördlichsten Fischerdorf der Welt ein Reiseziel, das außer fantastischen Angelbedingungen vor der grandiosen Kulisse des Nordkapp und der großen Chance, den Fisch des Lebens zu erbeuten, einiges mehr bietet.